Intro to Tokenizers

October 5, 2024

Notes on the tokenizer space, what they are, what problems they solve, some example code, and some areas to explore in the future.

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May 2024 Summary of Resources

June 1, 2024

Summary of resources I read/watched in May. The focus of this month was to get familiar with terms and concepts underlying Generative AI.

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Computer Hardware and Architecture - A Bird’s Eye View

June 13, 2021

In this blog post we take a step lower from our previous blog posts on compilers/virtual machines and operating systems. We will string together how physics and hardware are built and used to execute our abstract thoughts and ideas illustrated in higher level languages.

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The Producer Consumer Problem in C++

May 30, 2021

We will go over a solution to the Producer Consumer problem in concurrency with multiple producers and consumers in a buffer of bounded size. The solution is written in C++ and uses mutexes and condition variables. This post is based off of the blog post here by Baptiste Wicht.

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Operating Systems in a Nutshell

May 8, 2021

This blog post introduces Operating Systems and the pieces involved, specifically: processes and threads, drivers, file systems, and virtual memory.

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Defusing CMU's Bomb Lab using GDB

August 28, 2020

This post walks through CMU’s ‘bomb’ lab, which involves defusing a ‘bomb’ by finding the correct inputs to successive phases in a binary executable using GDB.

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SIR Model From Scratch in Python

August 6, 2020

This post explains the SIR model and includes a Python implementation that generates a graphic describing a population’s infectious status over time.

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